Introduction to Total International Credit Report

Total International Credit Report (TICR)

Total International Credit Reports (TICR) offers you:
  • Worldwide Coverage
  • Competitive pricing.
  • Information is laid out in an easy to understand format.
  • Business and credit information on companies anywhere in the world
  • Flexible turnaround time and pricing, depending on the urgency of report.
  • Research of legal information, including ownership, public records, and bankruptcy filings.
  • Information on company’s operations
  • Financial figures, technical information and industry analysis (as appropriate)
  • Current trade and bank references to help you verify payment history
  • Convenience of ordering reports online
  • Total Credit Appraisal*

*Total Credit Appraisal (TCA) provides a total assessment of the credit risk of a company. It takes all significant credit elements within the report into account with appropriate actions on business or credit dealings recommended.

For sample, charge, turnaround times or further details, please contact:

Business Development Department

E-mail :
Telephone : (852) 2850 6682
Fax : (852) 2854 3251