Introduction to Total Asset & Credit Search

Total Asset & Credit Search (TACS)

TACS is an essential tool designed to help trace your Target’s (individual or company) asset, credit and business status, history, background and as well as contact point(s).

It comprises the below 6 unique searches:

  • Total Property Ownership Search (TPOS)
  • Search Target’s property ownership record since 1996.
  • Total Address Search (TAS)
  • Search Target’s address in our database since 1987.
  • Total Directorship Search (TDSS)
  • Searches Target’s current directorship of limited companies (including private, public, limited by guarantee, Non-Hong Kong company, etc.) in Hong Kong. (Subject’s identity number is required for verification).
  • Total Writ Scanner (TWS)
  • Search Target, bankruptcy, winding up records in our database (for the last seven years).
  • Total Debt Scanner (TDS)
  • Search Target’s debt collection record in our database (for the last five years)
  • Total Business Search (TBS)
  • Searches Target’s shareholding, director, sole proprietorship and partnership records in our database since 1987.

For sample, charge, turnaround times or further details, please contact:

Business Development Department

E-mail :
Telephone : (852) 2850 6682
Fax : (852) 2854 3251